Nightmare on the Metropolitan Line

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Regular commuters will be aware that the “service” is even worse than usual at the moment. There have been multiple cancellations, signal failures and rolling stock out of service. Even when the trains do come, journeys are often painfully slow, and there is a distinct lack of information available – plus the aggravating “there is a good service on the Metropolitan Line” when it is obvious there isn’t.

FOMLUC (Federation of Metropolitan Line Users’ Committees) has meetings with Metropolitan Line managers in London three times a year.

Mike Brown, Managing Director of London Underground, is aware of the discontent amongst users of the Met Line, and is attending the January meeting.

We would like to hear your “horror stories”, so that a picture can be built up of what Northwood passengers – particularly commuters – have to deal with.

Please let us know of your extended journeys, missed meetings, long waits in the cold, lack of information, having to stand on packed trains and anything else that is wrong with the line.


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