NRA’s 46th AGM

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The AGM held on Tuesday 20th March 2012 at Oaklands Gate Methodist Church was attended by about 50 members plus nine committee members and guests Cllr Seaman-Digby, Cllr Melvin and speakers Stuart Hunt and Ian Cantley.

Chairman Tony Ellis gave his report on the previous year’s activities and outlined what each sub-committee does.

Treasurer David Blowers presented the accounts for 2011 reporting that subscriptions were lower than in 2010, probably due to the loss of some road stewards. He recommended that subscriptions remain at a minimum of £2 per household per year.  This was agreed by those present.

The Election of Officers was conducted by Alan Prue:
Chairman – Tony Ellis
Vice-Chairman – Miles Gillman
Treasurer – David Blowers
Hon Auditor – Chris Rogers FCA

Election of the Executive Committee. Tony Ellis introduced each committee member standing for re-election. They were elected unanimously by a show of hands: Anna Davis, Marie-Françoise Meyer, Rachel Owen (not present), and Jayesh Patel.
Charles Ellis had been co-opted to the committee during the last year; he was elected by a show of hands.

Election of President and Vice President. Alan Prue was re-elected unopposed as President and similarly Valerie Mellor as Vice President. The chairman proposed that Lisa Maclay should be elected as a Vice President as a sign of appreciation for her long service to the NRA. This was agreed by a show of hands.

Guest Speakers. The chairman introduced the speakers: Stuart Hunt, Head of Hillingdon Green Spaces and Ian Cantley, Chairman of the Ruislip Woods Management Advisory Group. They gave a most informative illustrated talk about Ruislip Woods through the seasons.

Diamond Jubilee Celebration. Richard Plume gave details of the event which is being organised by Northwood and Northwood Hills Residents’ Associations. It will take place on Saturday 2nd June 2012 from 11am to 4.30pm at the Recreation Ground, Chestnut Avenue.  He asked everyone to spread the word and to contact him if they wished to help on the day.

Diamond Jubilee Tree.  At the suggestion of Mr Cave, it was agreed that NRA should arrange to plant a tree, possibly an oak, in the green area in front of Green Lane car park.

Northwood and Pinner Community Hospital. Tony Ellis spoke about the threat to the hospital site. The NHS PCTs (Primary Care Trusts) are being amalgamated to form a North West London cluster and in order to balance the accounts, they included the sale of the hospital site in their budget.

Cllrs Seaman-Digby and Melvin answered several questions put by residents and the meeting closed at 21.45

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