Emmanuel Church
- Located in Church Road, Northwood
- for more information visit www.ecn.org.uk
- or contact the Parish Office on 01923 845200
Emmanuel is a fairly large Church of England parish church on the High Street in Northwood. It is attended by all ages and there are a wide range of activities and services catering for all needs.
Here are some of those activities:
Young Children & Toddlers:
Babies & Toddlers: for Parents/Carers and their Under-3s – Every Thursday 10- 11.30am.
Cost: £2 for 1 or 2 children.
Two large rooms full of fun play, craft, story-time, and sing & dance opportunities.
Refreshments provided too!
Space: for Mums & their babies/pre-school children) Every Tuesday 10 – 11.30am
Offers space and time for Mums to chat and find support.
Who Let the Dads Out? for Dads, Step-Dads & Grandads with their little ones – Every 2nd Saturday 10 – 11.45am:
Fun, supportive social group offering free breakfast, play, active games, arts ‘n crafts, and occasional trips out.
Primary School Aged Children
Rock Up: free Children’s Club for School Years 3-6 – Every 1st Friday monthly 6 – 7 pm.
Sports, games, arts ‘n craft, console games, tuck shop/refreshments.
Secondary School Aged Children
The Hangout: free youth club for school years 7 – 13 – Every 1st Friday monthly 7.30 – 9 pm.
Sports, games, arts ‘n craft, console games, tuck shop/refreshments.
The following children’s groups run every Sunday during our 10.30am family service:
Twinkle creche group
Sparklers, Shine, and Blaze: age-specific groups for children.
English Language Cafe: Wednesdays 10 – 11.30am
Friendly, supportive group for those whose first language is not English: Structured discussion as a way to improve spoken English, and answer questions about English usage and British Culture.
Foodbank: Tuesdays 10 – 11am for those who need help getting a voucher.
Fridays 11am – 1pm for those who need a listening ear and emergency food.
Long-life food and toiletries donations are always welcomed.
– please bring to the Church Reception during the week or to the Westgate (entrance hall of church) on Sundays.
Holy Trinity Church
- Located in Gateway Close, Northwood
- Holy Trinity is a vibrant Church of England parish church with a rich history and a strong connection with Holy Trinity Primary School.
- We strive to be Open to God and Inclusive of All as we Serve our Community.
- Visit www.htnorthwood.co.uk for more information.
- Contact the office Tel: 01923-822990 or email info@htnorthwood.co.uk
Northwood Methodist Church
- Located in Oaklands Gate, Northwood
- contact Andrew Pottage, Minister on 01923 821034 or send an email
- visit www.northwoodmethodistchurch.org
Northwood United Synagogue
Welcome to Northwood United Synagogue
Established locally 36 years ago in 1987, NUS is a friendly and warm community situated next door to the Waitrose car park.
We are a caring and inclusive community with a comprehensive programme of religious services, talks and activities designed to appeal to all members.
If you are either new to the area or thinking of moving to Northwood or just want to join a vibrant community where our ancient traditions combine with modernity, then do get in touch as we would be very happy to show you around and welcome you to our lovely community.
Contact Estelle on 01923 820004 or visit our website: www.northwoodus.org
St John's URC
- Located in Hallowell Road, Northwood
- Telephone: 01923 829166
- Email: stjohnsnorthwood@btconnect.com
- Website: www.urcnorthwood.org
St Matthew’s RC Church
Located at 32 Hallowell Road, HA6 1DW
To find out more about our activities, Mass times and Sunday school, or to inquire about hiring our hall, do:
- visit our website www.stmatthewsnorthwood.org
- ring 01923 840736
- or email: northwood@rcdow.org.uk
The Ark Synagogue
Located in Oaklands Gate, Northwood, The Ark Synagogue is a well-established Northwood institution with a wide range of activities and facilities that are open to everyone. You can visit the Etz Chayim Art Gallery and The Ark is delighted to welcome new members and guests. All evening services are at 1830 and in the morning at 1100. They can be enjoyed in-person or online and they welcome school and other group visits.
For further information:
- Visit: www.arksynagogue.org
- Call: the office team on 01923 822592