Obituary for Leonard Hall

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We are very sad to report the death of our Vice President, Leonard Hall, at the age of 92.

Leonard joined the NRA Committee in the early 1980s. He served as editor of the newsletter and as Community Voice representative during the 1990s. He was also road steward for Myrtleside Close for many years. His dear wife Betty, who predeceased him, was also a road steward for Green Lane.

In 1999 he agreed to become Chairman for a year, despite already being in his eighties, tiding us over at a time when no-one was willing to take on the job. He then took the honorary title of Vice President until his death.

Despite his physical frailty in later years, he was often to be seen zooming up Green Lane to the shops on his mobility scooter, and he made the effort to attend meetings in his wheelchair right up until his late eighties. Even when no longer able to get out so much, he retained a keen interest in all that NRA did.

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