Reindeer Site Consultation – 31st July

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Attention Northwood residents – Important information about the site of the old Reindeer pub in Maxwell Road

Residents will be aware that the developer has submitted plans twice for unsuitable, large, buildings on the site and both times has been refused planning permission. The first plans went to appeal and were refused and an appeal has been lodged for the second plans.

The site is in a Conservation Area and it is essential that a building is designed to blend in with the surrounding area.  The NRA Committee is absolutely determined to do everything in its power to ensure that any building conforms to these requirements. So far, the plans produced by the developers have failed to do this.

The developers, Excelsior Properties Ltd, are holding a public consultation on

Saturday 31st July at Northwood College between 10am and 4pm

to provide an opportunity for local residents to give their views and suggestions as to appropriate redevelopment of the site.

As the developers have already lodged an appeal against the second refusal, it is difficult to know whether this consultation is genuine or are they hoping that few residents turn up so that they can say at the appeal that residents showed no interest in the development of the site. Therefore it is essential that as many residents as possible turn up at the consultation and express their views. If you are unable to attend, please contact me so that I can pass on your views.


Tony Ellis


Tel:  01923 821237

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