A New Community Hall for Northwood

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The Kate Fassnidge Community Hall at 76 High Street, Northwood was officially opened on Friday 14th September 2012.

Following an introduction by Cllr Andrew Retter, Nick Hurd MP declared the Hall officially open.  In his address Mr Hurd said how much he had looked forward to this day.  As his constituency office is nearby, he would drive past regularly and each time would think, “What a waste” and give a little sigh.  He congratulated all parties involved for their persistence in seeing the project through and said that the whole borough must be made aware of its existence.  His final words were, “I declare the Hall open – let’s use it!”

The site has had quite a history; many older Northwood residents still remember visiting the old cinema which was housed here and known variously as Northwood Picture House, The Picture Theatre, The Ritz, Northwood Cinema, The Playhouse and The Tatler.  Then for many years it was the Northwood Old Folks Dining Club.  In 1997 it was sold by the council to the Kate Fassnidge Memorial Trust. Kate Fassnidge was a wealthy landowner in Uxbridge, who, with her husband, bequeathed Fassnidge Memorial Park and certain properties in the High Street in Uxbridge to the Council.

The building stood derelict for many years during which time various schemes for its use were put forward, then rejected.  Finally, plans were agreed, the old building demolished and a new Community Hall has risen from the rubble.

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Kate Fassnidge Nick Hurd MP The Management Committee with LBH Mayor & Mayoress

The Kate Fassnidge Community Hall will be used as a Dining Club for the elderly once more, but will also be available for use by community groups.  It boasts a state-of-the-art kitchen, plenty of storage space and the main hall is large enough to seat 60 people.  Above the Hall are eight one-bedroom flats.  The Hall will be run by a management committee: Tony Ellis, Chairman Northwood Residents’ Association; Andrew Riley, Chairman Northwood Hills Residents’ Association; David Horne and Cllr Andrew Retter, trustees of KF Trust; Rev Philip Barnes, vicar of St Edmund the King Church.

Booking enquiries should be addressed to:

Email: admin@fassnidgetrust.org.uk
Tel: 01895 803 706

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