Former Police Station: Planning Permission Refused

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As promised, we are keeping you updated on the former Northwood Police Station site.

The brief details are:

Two planning applications for a change of use and external and other alterations to the Grade II Listed Former Police Station:


Both applications have been refused planning permission

First Application:

Change of use from former Police Station (Sui Generis) to a Children’s day nursery.

Decision: Refused

Reasons: Adverse impacts upon the highway network to the detriment of traffic congestion, parking stress and highway safety. The proposed development is considered to have an unacceptable impact on highway safety.

The proposed development would likely contribute to the production of unacceptable pollutant emissions, and further, the proposed development is not air quality positive and the measures proposed are not sufficient to mitigate the total emissions.

The proposal does not accord with relevant space standards provided Ofsted’s ‘Early years foundation stage statutory framework’. The proposed development provides a substandard amount of floor space that would fail to meet the needs of intended occupants.

Second Application:

Listed Building Consent for an external extension and for internal alterations:

Decision: Refused

Reasons: The proposed development, by reason of the loss of historic fabric, would fail to preserve the significance of the Grade II Listed Building by posing ‘less than substantial harm’ to the significance of the designated heritage asset. Further, the proposed development is not considered to provide deliverable public benefits sufficient to outweigh the harm posed.



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