Pre-planning Exhibition Dates Announced!

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At the Save Our Northwood public meeting held at Emmanuel Church on Monday 18th November, chairman Tony Ellis informed the crowded audience that Bride Hall will be staging a pre-planning exhibition on the 17th and 18th January 2014. Times and venues will be publicised as soon as they are agreed. Mr Ellis encouraged all to do their utmost to attend the exhibition to demonstrate to the developers the strength of feeling that exists concerning their proposals.


Since the meeting, copies of the petition signed by over 7,500 people have been presented to Justin King, Nick Boles and no. 10 Downing Street.

son petition handover nick boles-1crop   son  petition handover no 10crop


The fighting fund is growing and currently stands at £13,900 but more is needed if SoN is to be in a position to oppose any inappropriate development in Station Approach. During October donation envelopes were delivered to every Northwood residence; so far 337 have been returned containing a total of  £9,864.50  – it’s not too late to deliver yours! Visit the SoN website at to find out how to make a donation.

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