Northwood Station Development: report on drop-in events

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Curtin & Co who are handling the public consultation and engagement for the proposed development at Northwood station, have sent us this report:

Notting Hill Genesis and Transport for London hosted three successful drop-in events for Northwood Station Quarter at St Matthew’s Church on Hallowell Road on 10th, 11th & 12th October.

Invitations to the event were sent to 7,500 Northwood households and businesses and posters were provided for display at the station, local places of worship and the library.
We would like to thank Northwood Residents’ Association for distributing the posters locally and advertising the event on their website.
We were delighted that across the three days – 537 Northwood residents attended the events.
Residents were able to be introduced to our new project team including Transport for London, their development partner Notting Hill Genesis and the Architect Hawkins\Brown.
Members of the team took the opportunity to engage with as many residents as we could, answering questions and taking on feedback. A significant number of residents provided extensive and constructive feedback for the team. To date, we have received over 150 pieces of feedback forms via the website and post and they continue to come in.
We are currently in the process of considering all your feedback as we draw up more detailed proposals, as well as bearing in mind the feedback from the previous application’s consultation.
Residents were pleased that the proposals will include step free access to Northwood Station and the scheme will not include a supermarket. Other themes also included whether improvements can be made to the bus interchange and questions were raised regarding parking, height and affordable housing.
In the coming months we will be hosting more events showcasing the proposals in more detail. Once again we will drop invitations through letter boxes and advertise locally. We encourage all residents to take part in future engagement.
To be kept up to date with proposals and future consultation events, please visit

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